Clark's Reel

Source: Bill Yeomans; published in English Dance & Song, October 1965, Volume XXVII No. 5
Formation: Circle Mixer

Start in a Sicilian Circle and number the Men: #1s are facing AC, #2s are facing CW; back out into a circle
A1 Into the Middle & Back
Into the Middle & Back with "Odds to the Centre"
A2 Call something that gets everyone back to where they are now.
B1 Neighbour Balance & Swing
B2 Promenade AC in one big circle - #1 Man and his new partner should be in front of #2 Man and his new partner
Open into a big circle again

32 bars. Or variable if the caller decides to throw in some moves in A2 that are longer than 8 bars.

This appears to be a simple mixer variant of Appalachian Big Set, in which the move where the #1s put their backs to the middle is called "Odds to the Centre": instead of backing out of the circle, the lady with #1 Man Gates him around so that they face the #2s.

#1 Men progress AC; #2 Men progress CW; Ladies alternate between being #1s and #2s.

This dance was also published in "Everyday Dances" by Nibs Matthews, and in Zesty Contras in 1983, with Circle Left/Right for A2.

Original page from English Dance & Song, October 1965

Clark's Reel

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