Dummer's Five Hand Reel

Source: Traditional, researched by Roy Dommett; published in English Dance & Song, Christmas 1982 Volume 44 Number 3
Formation: Five Dancers in a Circle

A1 Circle Left
#1 Turns Back & Weaves the Ring WHILE the others Single File Circle Left
A2 Make a Cross with #1 in the Middle:
#1 Steps to #2 (chosen randomly) (8)
#1 Steps to #4 (opposite #2) (8)
B1 #1, #2 and #4: Full Hey for Three
B2 Make a Circle; Make a Basket; Spin the Basket
C1 Make a Cross with #1 in the Middle:
#1 Steps to #3 (one of the others) (8)
#1 Steps to #5 (opposite #3) (8)
C2 #1, #3 and #5: Full Hey for Three
D1 Make a Circle; Make a Basket; Spin the Basket

Brighton Camp or other suitable tunes. The timing given above is approximate.

Dummer is near Basingstoke in the South of England.

A new #1 can be chosen during the Circle Left or by the old #1 passing a token, the "Jack", to the next #1. The Jack or Joker is traditionally a puppet or doll on a stick, held high for all to see.

Have fun making the baskets using the instructions below!

Basket Formation - Version 1: As #1 moves to the right behind #5, #1 raises his right hand so that #5 turns clockwise under it and backs into the joined arms of #2 and #3; #1 keeps moving to the right behind #4 to finish betwen #3 and #4; everyone who has their arms in front, raises them over the adjacent dancers who duck to facilitate this.

Basket Formation - Version 2: Roy's description of this below works well; the only bit missing is: everyone who has their arms in front, raises them over the adjacent dancers who duck to facilitate this.

For another way to make an Inside Basket see

See also The Five-Hand Reel

Roy's original notes are here on page 13.

Original page from English Dance & Song, Christmas 1982

Dummer's Five Hand Reel

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Please contact John Sweeney with your comments.
